Sunday, June 10, 2007

woops my hat didnt post ,,,,,ok blog lunch time,, which for me consists of crispbread cottage cheese and tomatoes :(

Hi blog , how do you like my hat Fiona gave me?
(thankyou fiona ) its gorgeous love it..
I came home last night from seeing my daughter,had
some quality time as David and SamSam
had gone to an auction preview, in Kent,
back later xxxx

Friday, June 08, 2007

hi blog I went to an acupunctuist on thursday,
ive never actually been before,, had 46 needles!!!
only about 4 hurt a lil id bent one and another fellout,
It was meant for agoraphobia and stress,, when I got home had a terrible panic attack
so dont think its for me ,unfortunately , as the guy was very dishy!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

some pics of my stock and shop

Sunday, June 03, 2007

this is my golden head board and crown,
my husb made it for me
very clever I think, im not sure
what Othello is thinking though
( possibly crap????)

Saturday, June 02, 2007


hi blog xxx hope you missed me :)
this is about 1 min from where I live
( by car lol) never walked it yet!!!