Sunday, July 22, 2007

HI blog ,
im still in love with this hat xxx ( thankyou fiona!!!)
Im actually looking for pics of my husb on penny farthing!!!
which he unfortunately fell off and has hurt his arm and shoulder,
while doing good charity work at a fete ( charity work bit a joke!!!) but
he was at a fete and in the procession,,will have to post next time ,
bye bye blog for now xxxx


Ria said...

Oh Mumsie you sound so down!!!!!!!!!
Dont its not like you.
I adore you!!!!!!!
Love you so much and love your pics
Daught xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx well you get the idea xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

GoldAnne said...

oh im sorry Marie love you so very much too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

weechuff said...

Hi, love the hat too. What occasion was it for?


weechuff said...

Tina is my other sister in Spain. I don't know how she got my user name on top of the comment, and neither does she!!

Love Sandie XXX

GoldAnne said...

lol hat for a club im in we do pictures artwork (well im useless) but we play dressing up too,, that was an ascot (virtual) trip we took on the net its psp pictures ,
very addictive!!!
love Anne

GoldAnne said...

re your sisters name,, very strange indeed!!! wonder how that happened