Sunday, August 27, 2006


this is me as a Madame :0)
I do have several other pics one of which a certain friend of mine thought suitable for a back cover of a porn magazine!!! she shall
be nameless jayne, woops sorry !!!

xxxx back later
have trouble posting these blogs shuts my puter down!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

my kitchen
where I spend seconds
slaving over a hot
microwave :)
funnily enough I like my kitchen its
unusual, just wish
it had a
chaise longue in it,
for one to rest after
the effort of loading the

Friday, August 25, 2006

dear othello!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Lorraine!!!!

lots love Anne

got u lil pressie but it wont go through the door so will deliver when back from carnival,
staying the night ,,samsam in it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

ok everyone
this is meez desdemona,
mummy and ize dooze work out several times a day on this,,,,its now in the gym!!!!

which was music room which was the study,,

later!!!!! loveemeeze desdemona xxx

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I have had my daughter here since Wednesday which is wonderful,,,,with Samsam
and David her son and husband,

Anne-Marie my daughter is not at all well with cfs/me ,do wish we could get her better its so very sad , I love her so much , couldnt wish for a better daughter,
David is trying to re=enact my net gear but think it is obsolete now ,!!!! after 2 years
,.not on !!!!

back later xxx

Thursday, August 17, 2006

this is JAYNE AND I ABOUT 2 years ago in my lounge

before she moved the last time, I miss her she was a great

friend to have that strange thing

called fun with !!!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hi Everyone,

Well prob just Jayne may read this lol,

I live in Devon, am married 2nd and not counting

2 definately enough for any sane person!!!

I was born (how sweet) in London and still adore

the place, but unfortunately rarely go back now.

I have been several things in my life (apart from a pain

in the ass) :)

Company secretary director


latterly D A dental nurse

my present husband is a dentist :)

ok enough imfo for now

Back later xxx