Saturday, August 19, 2006

I have had my daughter here since Wednesday which is wonderful,,,,with Samsam
and David her son and husband,

Anne-Marie my daughter is not at all well with cfs/me ,do wish we could get her better its so very sad , I love her so much , couldnt wish for a better daughter,
David is trying to re=enact my net gear but think it is obsolete now ,!!!! after 2 years
,.not on !!!!

back later xxx


Jayne Nelson said...


I'm amazed Desdemona knows how to comment on your blog. She's so clever!

I will bookmark your blog - make sure Mary knows about it, too!

Jayne x

GoldAnne said...

that means I have to keep it clean lol!!!! now anne-marie knows too!!!!

re desdemona ,, your right she never ceases to amaze me!!!!
she said thats kewl jayne !!!

Biddy Brumpton said...

Wow! I found a Gold Anne on the net!!!

Lorraine x x x

GoldAnne said...

biddy darling xxxxxxxx
tis wonderful me The Gold Anne :)