Thursday, September 25, 2008


Sammys beach buggy!!!

Its really cute ,and he wears a crash helmet while driving it

its completely open and great fun, im allowed to drive it he says

but havnt actually had a chance yet lol, these pics are from last

Saturday in our garden.


weechuff said...

How exciting! What a lucky boy he his to have such doting parents:0)
Did he manage to sell his cart on Ebay after all?

GoldAnne said...

Hi Sandie,

yes its super,, re his go kart he put it up on ebay again as it fell through xxx

granny grimble said...

What a lucky lad Sam is. Fancy having his own beach buggy. I bet he's popular with all his friends!
Will wait with baited breath to see you driving it please.

granny grimble said...

What a lucky lad Sam is. Fancy having his own beach buggy. I bet he's popular with all his friends!
Will wait with baited breath to see you driving it please.